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Dr. Yitzhak Yedid
Curriculum Vitae
PhD - Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
BMus, piano (Hons) - Rubin Academy of Music, Jerusalem, Israel
Studies for Masters - New England Conservatory, Boston, USA

Azrieli Music Prize
Sidney Myer Creative Fellowship
Prelude, Gallop House Composer Residency
Landau Prize for Performing Arts (2009). The Michael Landau Foundation, Tel Aviv, Israel
Israel Prime Minister Prize for Composers (2007). The Ministry of Culture and Education, Jerusalem, Israel
First commission prize for work for harp solo (2008) The International Harp contest, 50th Anniversary
Artist in Residence at the Judith Wright Centre (2010). The Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts
The Australian Council for the Arts (2013)
ACUM (2019). The Association of Composers, Authors and Publishers of Music in Israel
ACUM (2016). The Association of Composers, Authors and Publishers of Music in Israel
ACUM (2013). The Association of Composers, Authors and Publishers of Music in Israel
Australian Postgraduate Award (2009-12). The Australian Government
The 2006 International Oud Festival Prize. The Kalman Soltnick Foundation
The New England Conservatory Honours Ensemble award.
Full scholarship from the New England Conservatory, Boston, USA .
Third prize for original composition at the contemporary music department contest. The Rubin Academy of music, Jerusalem, Israel.
Work List (2005-2020)
Viola Duo
Commissioned by Stefanie Farrands
Premiere: Oct 2020
ca. 10'
Solo piano
Commissioned by Alex Raineri
Premiere: Sep , 2019
ca. 10'
Commissioned by Graeme Jennings
Premiere: July 19, 2018
ca. 17'
Commissioned by Graeme Jennings
Premiere: July 19, 2018
ca. 17'
Kiddushim ve' Killulim (blessings & curses, 2017)
Commissioned by Christian Lindberg & NK Orchestra
Premiere: Oct 22-Nov 3, 2017
ca. 10'
Chad Gadya (2017)
Commissioned by Stadbroke Chamber Music Festival (QLD)
Premiere: July, 2017
ca. 15'
Angles' Revolt, Chaconne for piano (2017)
Commissioned by Lev Vlassenko Piano Cpmpetition (QLD)
Premiere: Sep 1-15, 2017
ca. 9'
Concerto for Piano & Strings (2016)
for Michael Kieran Harvey
piano and symphony orchestra
Commissioned by the Tel Aviv Soloists, Graeme Jennings, Michael Kieran Harvey
Premiere: May 18-20, 2017
ca. 24’
Violin (Arabic Violin) Concerto (2015)
for violin and a large orchestra
Commissioned by Hag Ha’Musica Festival
Premiere: 20-25 October 2018
ca. 25’
Song Cycle (2015)
for solo soprano
Work in progress
Premiere: TBA, 2016
Voice artist
ca. 45’
Delusions of War (2014)
for 22 string soloists or a string orchestra
Commissioned by Divertimenti Ensemble (QLD) and the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra.
Supported by the Australian Council for the Arts
Premiere: October 2014 (QCGU, Brisbane) and February 2015 (The Jerusalem Theater, Henry Crown Symphony Hall). Divertimenti Ensemble / the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra.
Broadcasted live on IBA classic FM.
ca. 24’
Zikaron (2014)
for piano solo
Commissioned by QCGU/ Kawai piano series
Premiere: Yitzhak Yedid, Ian Hanger recital hall, Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University.
Kawai piano series, April 2015
ca. 55’
Psalm 1 (2014)
for solo soprano
Commissioned by Victoria Hanna / the Australian Council for the Arts
Premiere: Dec 2014, Aliyah Richil
La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA
ca. 6’
The Crying Souls (2013)
6 part a cappella choir
Commissioned by the Australian Voices (TAV)
Premiere: August, 2013, The Lutheran Redeemer Church Jerusalem
The Australian Voices (TAV)
ca. 9’
Passions & Prayers (2012)
for, Horn, Clarinet/Bass Clarinet, Trombone, Viola, Double Bass and Piano.
Commissioned by Seattle Chamber Players
Premiere: August 2013
Benaroya Symphony Hall
Seattle Chamber Players
ca. 17’
String Quartet no 7 (2012)
Commissioned by Sapphire String Quartet
Premiere: August 2013
Sapphire String Quartet:
Janna Gandelman- violin, Roman Spitzer- violin, Amos Boasson- viola, Oleg Stolpner- cello
ca. 11’
Haunted! (2012)
Stage Music to a play by D.Karasik
Commissioned by Touchstone Theatre, Vancouver, Canada
Directed by K. Dunn,
Premiere: Chutzpah Festival, March 2013
Rothstein Theatre, Canada
ca. 75’
Memories (2013)
for piano solo
Commissioned by QCGU/ Kawai piano series
Premiere: Yitzhak Yedid, Ian Hanger recital hall, Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University.
Kawai piano series, 2015
ca. 50’
String Quartet no 6 (2012)
Commissioned by Sapphire String Quartet
Premiere: November 2012
Henry Crown Symphony Hall
Sapphire String Quartet:
J. Gandelman- violin, R. Spitzer- violin, A. Boasson- viola, O. Stolpner- cello
ca. 16’
Arabic Violin Bass Piano Trio (2012)
for Arabic violin, double bass and piano
Parts 1-3
Commissioned by IBA/ -Between the lines- / Challenge Records International
Premiere: November 2012,
Yedid Ensemble: Sami Hashibun- violin (Arabic tuning), Ora Boasson- double-bass, Yitzhak Yedid- piano
ca. 25’
Reflections Upon Six Images (2011)
Image no 5
for Double Bass solo
Commissioned by Ora Boasson-Horev
Premiere performance: Vienna, Austria
CD released by Challenge International Records in September 2011
ca. 7’
Arabic Violin Bass Piano Trio (2011)
for Arabic violin, double bass and piano
Parts 4-5
Commissioned by IBA/ -Between the lines- / Challenge Records International
Premiere: November 2012,
Yedid Ensemble: Sami Hashibun- violin (Arabic tuning), Ora Boasson- double-bass, Yitzhak Yedid- piano
ca. 18’
String Quartet no 5 (2011)
Commissioned by Sapphire String Quartet
Premiere: November 2012
Sapphire String Quartet:
Janna Gandelman- violin, Roman Spitzer- violin, Amos Boasson- viola, Oleg Stolpner- cello
ca. 11’
Sextet in Homage to Jerusalem (2011)
Sextet for, Horn, Clarinet/Bass Clarinet, Trombone, Viola, Double Bass and Piano.
Commissioned by Deutsche Media Productions GmbH & Co. KG
-Between The Lines -
Freiburg, Germany
CD released by –between the lines-
Duration: 18 minutes
Premiere: Seattle 2012
Seattle Chamber Players
ca. 11’
Sensations (2010)
for piano, violin and cello
Commissioned by Atar Trio.
Premiere: September 2010, Austria
Atar Trio
T. Beltser- violin, M. Kats- cello, O. Shelley- piano
ca. 14’
Piano Quintet (2010)
for violin, viola, cello, bouble bass and piano
Commissioned by Munich Arts Festival, Germany
Premier Performance: Lines Festival,
Munich Germany, March 2011
Yedid Ensemble:
Daniel Hoffman- violin, Galia Hai- viola, Yoni Gotlibovich- cello, Ora Boasson- double-bass, Yitzhak Yedid- piano
ca. 52’
String Quartet no 4 (2010)
Commissioned by Sapphire String Quartet
Premiere: November 2012
Sapphire String Quartet:
J Gandelman- violin, R Spitzer- violin, A Boasson- viola, O Stolpner- cello
ca. 9’
Through the Window of Marc Chagall (2010)
for piano solo
Commissioned by QCGU/ Kawai piano series
Premiere: Yitzhak Yedid, Ian Hanger recital hall, Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University.
Kawai piano series, 2010
ca. 55’
Out to Infinity (2009)
for Harp solo
Commissioned by the 2009 International Harp Contest for their 50th Anniversary.
Premier performance: March 2009, Noël Wan
The American Harp Society National Harp Competition, Young Professional Division.
ca. 7’
In Memory (2009)
Duo for flute (piccolo and bass) and piano
Commissioned by Lior Eitan (First flutist of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra).
Premiere performance: 21st April 2010, Jerusalem Concert Hall
Lior Eitan- flute, Monica Fallon- piano
ca. 13’
String Quartet no 3 (2009)
Commissioned by Sapphire String Quartet
Premiere: March 2010, The Jerusalem Theater, Henry Crown Symphony Hall.
Sapphire String Quartet:
Janna Gandelman- violin, Roman Spitzer- violin, Amos Boasson- viola, Oleg Stolpner- cello
ca. 13’
Kidoshin (2009)
Duo for Saxophone (Tenor and Soprano) and piano
Commissioned by Shoham Foundation
Premiere performance: August 2010
Albert Beger- Saxophone, Yitzhak Yedid- piano
ca. 26’
String Quartet no 2 (2009)
Commissioned by Sapphire String Quartet
Premiere: March 2010, The Jerusalem Theater, Henry Crown Symphony Hall.
Sapphire String Quartet:
Janna Gandelman- violin, Roman Spitzer- violin, Amos Boasson- viola, Oleg Stolpner- cello
ca. 9’
Ethiopian voices: Psalms (2008)
for three singers, Ethiopian folk Dancer, Alto, Bass and Piano
Commissioned by the Confederation House
Premiere Confederation House, Novembre, 2008
Ras Deshen Ensemble :
Abate Berihuen- voice and saxophones, Esti Kainan Ofri- voice, Tzeta Germaye- voice and dance, Fentahon Malessa- krar, Ora Boasson Horev- double bass, Yitzhak Yedid- Piano
ca. 51’
Clowns at Night (2008)
Piano solo
Commissioned by Deutsche Media Productions GmbH&
Premier performance: March, 2008, Jerusalem Concert Hall
Yitzhak Yedid piano
ca. 16’
String Quartet no 1 (2008)
Commissioned by Deutsche Media Productions GmbH & Co. KG
-Between The Lines -
Freiburg, Germany
Premiere: March 2010, The Jerusalem Theater, Henry Crown Symphony Hall.
Sapphire String Quartet:
Janna Gandelman- violin, Roman Spitzer- violin, Amos Boasson- viola, Oleg Stolpner- cello
ca. 14’
Since my Soul Loved (2008)
for violin, viola, cello, bouble bass and piano
Commissioned by
Commissioned by Deutsche Media Productions GmbH & Co. KG
-Between The Lines -
Freiburg, Germany
Premiere: Lines Festival, Munich Germany, 2009
Yedid Ensemble:
Daniel Hoffman- violin, Galia Hai- viola, Yoni Gotlibovich- cello, Ora Boasson- double-bass, Yitzhak Yedid- piano
ca. 55’
Midsummer Night’s Dream (2008)
For piano solo
Commissioned by Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co 2006
Premiere March, 2008, Jerusalem Concert Hall
Yitzhak Yedid piano
ca. 21’
Nine images for Violin Cello and Piano (2007)
for violin, cello and piano
Commissioned by IBA music
Premiere March, 2007, Jerusalem Concert Hall
Orit Wolf- piano, Nathniel Vallois- violin, Doo- Kim- cello
ca. 18’
Chagall Project (2007)
Seven piano solo pieces inspired by Marc Chagall
Commissioned by Jerusalem Jewish Music Festival
Premiere performance: September, 2007
CD released by Challenge International Records in September 2010
Yitzhak Yedid- Piano
ca. 42’
Oud, Bass, Piano Trio (2007)
Parts 4-5
Trio for Oud, Double Bass and Piano,
Commissioned by the Oud International Festival
CD released by Challenge International Records/btl in August 2007
Premiere Performance: Sibiu Festival, May 2005,
Yedid Ensemble:
Mikhail Maroun- oud, Ora Boasson- double-bass, Yitzhak Yedid- piano
ca. 32’
Reflections upon Six Images (2007)
Images 2-3
for Clarinet, Viola, Double Bass and Piano.
Commissioned by Vienna Music Gallery Festival
Vienna, Austria
CD released by German label –between the lines-
Premier Performance: Vienna Music Gallery Festival, Austria
Yedid Ensemble:
François Houle- clarinet & bass-clarinet, Galia Hai- viola, Ora Boasson- double-bass, Yitzhak Yedid- Piano
ca. 27’
Oud, Bass, Piano Trio (2006)
Parts 3
Trio for Oud, Double Bass and Piano,
Commissioned by the Oud International Festival
CD released by Challenge International Records/btl in August 2007
Premiere Performance: Vancouver Festival, 2006
Yedid Ensemble:
Mikhail Maroun- oud, Ora Boasson- double-bass, Yitzhak Yedid- piano
ca. 11’
Reflections upon Six Images (2006)
Images 1
for Clarinet, Viola, Double Bass and Piano.
Commissioned by Vienna Music Gallery Festival
Vienna, Austria
CD released by German label –between the lines-
Premier Performance: Vienna Music Gallery Festival,
Yedid Ensemble:
François Houle- clarinet & bass-clarinet, Galia Hai- viola, Ora Boasson- double-bass, Yitzhak Yedid- Piano
ca. 13’
Oud, Bass, Piano Trio (2006)
Parts 1-2
Trio for Oud, Double Bass and Piano,
Commissioned by the Oud International Festival
CD released by Challenge International Records/btl in August 2007
Premiere Performance: Sibiu Festival, May 2005,
Yedid Ensemble:
Mikhail Maroun- oud, Ora Boasson- double-bass, Yitzhak Yedid- piano
ca. 21’
Myth of the Cave (2005)
for, Clarinet/ Bass Clarinet, Double Bass and Piano
Commissioned by Deutsche Structured Finance Germany,
CD released for –between the lines-
Premiere Performance, May, Frankfurt, Germany
Yedid Ensemble:
François Houle- clarinet & bass-clarinet, Ora Boasson- double bass, Yitzhak Yedid- piano
ca. 56’
Tachanun (2005)
Piano solo
Suite in one movement
Commissioned by Vienna Music Gallery Festival,
Vienna, Austria
Duration: 66 minutes
Premiere Performance: Chamber Music Festival, Israel
Yitzhak Yedid - piano
ca. 50’
Ras Deshen (2006)
for Voice, Krar, Piano
Commissioned by MCI
CD released by MCI records
Premiere Performance, Tel Aviv Arts Festival
Ras Deshen Ensemble:
Abate Berihuen- voice and saxophones, Fentahon Malessa- krar, Yitzhak Yedid- piano
ca. 61’
Before 2005
Tachanun (2004)
for Piano, Double Bass and Percussions. Suite In one movement
Commissioned by Vienna music Gallery festival, Austria 2003
Duration: 66 minutes
Premiere Performance: Vienna Music Gallery Festival, September 2002, Austria
Yedid Ensemble:
Vlad Nedelin- drums & percussions, Ora Boasson Horev- double-bass, Yitzhak Yedid- Piano
‘Full Moon Fantasy’ (2005)
Solo Piano compositions
Duration: 37 minutes
Commissioned by Musa records 2001
CD released in 1999 by Musa records
CD re-issue in April 2005
Yitzhak Yedid- Piano
ca. 7’
‘Remembering Yitzhak Rabin’ (2004)
Solo Piano compositions
Duration: 15 minutes
Commissioned by Musa records 1999
CD released in 1999 by Musa records
Yitzhak Yedid- Piano
ca. 6’
Yedid, Y. (2012), Methods of Integrating Elements of Arabic Music and Arabic-Influenced Jewish Music into Contemporary Western Classical Music (PhD), Monash University, Melbourne.
Yedid, Y. (2012), Arabic Violin Bass Piano Trio, Suite in Four Movement, Music composition (CD), Challenge International Records, Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, Cologne Germany. Cat. No. BTLCHR 71230.
Yedid, Y. (2012), Notes on Arabic Violin Bass Piano Trio (1,553 words), Challenge International Records, Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, Cologne Germany. Cat. No. BTLCHR 71230.
Yedid, Y. (2011), Through The Window Of Marc Chagall, Music composition (CD), Challenge International Records, Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, Cologne Germany. Cat. No. BTLCHR 71225.
Yedid, Y. (2011), Notes on Through The Window Of Marc Chagall (743 words), Challenge International Records, Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, Cologne Germany. Cat. No. BTLCHR 71225.
Yedid, Y. (2010), Arabic Violin Bass Piano Trio, Suite in Four Movement, Music composition, score (66 pages) and parts (112 pages) Israeli Music Center, Tel Aviv, Israel. (IMC) Cat. No. IMC 3953P.
Yedid, Y. (2010), Moments de harpe, Out To Infinity, Music composition (CD), Kaleidos Musikedotionen, Munich Germany. Cat. No. KAL 6312-2.
Yedid, Y. (2010), Un Sospiro, Out To Infinity, Music composition (CD), Roger Center for the Arts, Merrimack College, USA.
Yedid, Y. (2009), Since my Soul Loved, Piano Quintet, Music composition (CD), Challenge International Records, Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, Cologne Germany. Cat. No. BTLCHR 71222.
Yedid, Y. (2009), Notes on Since my Soul Loved, Piano Quintet, (2013 words), Challenge International Records, Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, Cologne Germany. Cat. No. BTLCHR 71222.
Yedid, Y. (2009), Sensations, Music composition, score (22 pages) and parts (54 pages), Israeli Music Center, Tel Aviv, Israel. (IMC) Cat. No. IMC 3947P.
Yedid, Y. (2009), In Memory, Music composition, score (13 pages) and parts (21 pages), Israeli Music Center, Tel Aviv, Israel. (IMC) Cat. No. IMC 3948P.
Yedid, Y. (2009), Out to Infinity, Music composition, score (9 pages), Israel Music Institute Press (IMI), Tel Aviv, Israel. Cat. No. IMC 3948 P.
Yedid, Y. (2009), Notes on Out to Infinity (1005 words), Israel Music Instit33ute Press (IMI), Tel Aviv, Israel. Cat. No. IMC 3948 P.
Yedid, Y. (2009), Visions, Fantasies and Dances, Music composition, score (63 pages) and parts (146 pages), Music composition Press, Israel Music Institute Press, Tel Aviv, Israel. Cat. No. IMI 7803 P.
Yedid, Y. (2008), New Music That Incorporate a Spectrum of Contemporary and Ancient Styles, booklet. Publishers: Sibiu Festival (Romania), Vienna Festival (Austria), International Oud Festival. Available in English, German and Hebrew.
Yedid, Y. (2007), Oud Bass Piano Trio, Suite in Five Movement, Music composition (CD), Challenge International Records, Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, Cologne Germany. Cat. No. BTLCHR 71218.
Yedid, Y. (2007), Notes on Oud Bass Piano Trio, Suite in Five Movement (1,243 words), Challenge International Records, Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, Cologne Germany. Cat. No. BTLCHR 71218.
Yedid, Y. (2007), Psalms of the Ethiopian tradition and Kessim Liturgical choral music, notes. Published: Confederation House, Jerusalem. Available in Hebrew. (1,218 words).
Yedid, Y. (2007), Reflections upon Six Images, Music composition (CD), Between the Lines Records, Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, Frankfurt Germany. Cat. No. BTLCHR 71215.
Yedid, Y. (2007), notes on Reflections upon Six Images, Music composition (CD), Between the Lines Records, Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, Frankfurt Germany. Cat. No. BTLCHR 71215.
Yedid, Y. (2007), Passions and Prayers Sextet in Homage to Jerusalem, Music composition (CD), Between the Lines Records, Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, Frankfurt Germany. Cat. No. No. BTLCHR 71207.
Yedid, Y. (2007), Note on Passions and Prayers Sextet in Homage to Jerusalem (1,239 words), Between the Lines Records, Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co. Frankfurt Germany. Cat. No. BTLCHR 71207. Available in English and Hebrew
Yedid, Y. (2006), Myth of the Cave, Music composition (CD), Challenge International Records, Between the Lines Records, Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, Frankfurt Germany. Cat. No. Cat. No. BTL 028/ EFA 10198-2.
Yedid, Y. (2006), Notes on Myth and Music, Allegory of the Cave (989 words), Challenge International Records, Between the Lines Records, Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, Frankfurt Germany. Cat. No. BTL 028/ EFA 10198-2. Available in German.
Yedid, Y. (2005), Open Windows: Musik mit Ausblick (Booklet). Publisher: Wiener Musik Galerie 2004, Austria. Available in German
Yedid, Y. (2005), Analysis of Tachanun (Booklet). Publisher: Wiener Musik Galerie, Austria. Available in German.
List of CDs and DVDs
Note: -between the lines- releases distribute in Europe and Asia by Naxos and Sony/universal music, in Scandinavia by Challenge records and in U.S & Canada by Allegro music.
Commercial Releases –Between the lines- records, Kaleidos and Musa records.
CD: Yedid Y. ‘Visions, Fantasies and Dances’ Music for String Quartet
Recorded in Israel, August 2012.
CD released by Challenge International Records and Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, November 2013.
Duration: 53 minutes
Performer: Sapphire
CD: Yedid Y. 'Arabic Violin Bass Piano Trio’
Recorded in Israel, 2012.
CD released by Challenge International Records and Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, September 2012.
Duration: 58 minutes
Performer: Performers: Yedid Ensemble
CD: Yedid Y. ‘Through the Window of Marc Chagall’
Recorded in Israel, 2009.
CD released by Challenge International Records and Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, November 2010.
Duration: 48 minutes
Yitzhak Yedid - piano
CD: Emilie Jaulmes performs ’Out to Infinity’
Recorded in Stuttgart, Germany. December 2009.
CD released by German label ‘KALEIDOS’, March 2012.
Duration: 64 minutes
Emilie Jaulmes – harp
CD: Ina Zodorovotzky performs ’Out to Infinity’
Recorded in Boston. January 2010
CD released, June 2011.
Duration: 59 minutes
Ina Zodorovotzky – harp
CD: Yedid Y. ‘Since my Soul Loved’
Recorded in Tel Aviv, Israel. August 2008
CD released by Challenge International Records and Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, January 2010
Duration: 64 minutes
Performers: Yedid Ensemble
Daniel Hoffman- violin, Galia Hai- viola, Joni Gotlibovits – cello, Ora Boasson- double-bass, Yitzhak Yedid- piano
CD: Yedid Y. ‘Oud Bass Piano Trio’
Recorded in Tel Aviv, Israel. August 2007
CD released by Challenge International Records and Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co, May 2009
Duration: 76 minutes
Performers: Yedid Ensemble
Mikhail Maroun- oud, Ora Boasson- double-bass, Yitzhak Yedid- piano
CD: Yedid Y. ‘Reflections upon six Images’
Recorded in Vienna, Austria. September 2005
CD released by Challenge International records and Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co December 2007
Duration: 64 minutes
Performers: Yedid Ensemble
François Houle- clarinet & bass-clarinet, Gal Hai- viola, Ora Boasson- double-bass, Yitzhak Yedid- piano
CD: Yedid Y. ‘Passions & Prayers, Sextet in Homage to Jerusalem’
Recorded in Tel Aviv, Israel. August, 2005.
CD released by Challenge International records and Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co
April 2007
Duration: 53 minutes
Performers: Yedid Ensemble
Alon Reuven – horn, Orit Orbach - clarinet & bass clarinet, Yaron Ouzana – trombone, Galia Hai – viola, Ora Boasson - double bass, Yitzhak Yedid - piano
CD: Yedid Y. ‘Myth of the Cave’
Recorded in Frankfurt, Germany. November 2005.
CD released by Deutsche Media Productions GmbH& Co
August 2005
Duration: 61 minutes
Performers: Yedid Ensemble
François Houle- clarinet & bass-clarinet, Ora Boasson- double-bass, Yitzhak Yedid- piano
CD: Yedid Y. ‘Ras Deshen’
Recorded in Tel Aviv, January, 2004.
CD released on 2006 for MCI records
Duration: 61 minutes
Performers: Ras Deshen Ensemble
Abate Berihuen- voice& saxophones, Fentahon Malessa- krar, Yitzhak Yedid- piano
DVD: Yedid Y. ‘Tahanun Suite’
Recorded live at Israel Chamber music Festival August, 2005.
Released by IBA, Broadcast on Israeli television channel 2.
CD: Yitzhak Y. ‘Inner Outcry’
Recorded in Ranana, Israel,
CD released on 2005 for MUSA records
Duration: 53 minutes
Performers: Yedid Ensemble
Vlad Nedelin- percussions, Ora Boasson- double-bass, Yitzhak Yedid- Piano
CD: Yitzhak Y. ‘Full Moon Fantasy’
Recorded in Boston, U.S.A
Duration: 37 minutes
Commissioned by Musa records 1999
CD released in 2005 for Musa records
Yitzhak Yedid- piano
As a guest pianist
CD: Birth of the Local Standard
CD released in 2006 New Perspective
Yitzhak Yedid- piano
CD: Julia Feldman Ensemble
CD released in 2005 by Julia Feldman
Yitzhak Yedid- piano
Major concerts/ live broadcasts concerts
Melbourne Recital Centre
Myth of the Cave / Yedid Ensemble
Live recording concert to ABC classic FM
Vancouver Canada: 2013 Chutzpah! Festival
HAUNTED by Daniel Karasik Music by Yitzhak Yedid
Touchstone Theatre Production
Crying Souls
The Lutheran Redeemer Church Jerusalem
West Bank
Icebreaker Festival, Seattle USA.
Benaroya Hall, Seattle Symphony Orchestra
Passions and Prayers sextet in homage to Jerusalem
Seattle Chamber Players
Jerusalem YMCA concert hall, Israel
Sapphire String Quaetet
Visions, Fantasies and Dances
Miles Nadal concert series, Toronto, Canada.
Al Green Theatre
Solo piano recital
Through the Window of Marc Chagall
Munich Festival, Germany.
Since my Soul Loved / Yedid Ensemble
Organ Hall, Moldova,
Ina Zdorovetchi premiere Out to Infinity
Broadcast on Moldova National TV
3MBS Radio, Melbourne, Australia
Sensations for Piano trio
ORF – Vienna, Austria
Through the Window of Marc Chagall (solo piano)
IBA, Jerusalem, Israel.
Live recording conert
In Memory
Adelaide Festival/ Elder Hall
Marshall MacGuire premieres Out to Infinity
Broadcast on ABC Classic FM
IBA, Jerusalem, Israel
Live recording concert
Visions, Fantasies and Dances
IBA, Jerusalem, Israel.
Live recording concert
Arabic violin, bass piano Trio
WGBH Radio, Fraser Performance Studio, Boston, USA.
Ina Zdorovetchi - Live broadcast
Out to Infinity
Carnegie Hall, New York, USA
A gala concert with Abatte Berihun
American Harp Society
National Harp Competition, Young Professional Division.
Noël Wan- Harp
Out to Infinity
IBA, Jerusalem, Israel.
Live recording concert
In Memory
IBA, Jerusalem, Israel.
Live recording concert
Nine Images for violin, cello & piano
Hataiva, Tel Aviv
Live recording concert
Visions, Fantasies and Dances
Vilnius Radio and national T.V., Lithuania.
Live recording concert (radio & T.V)
Myth of the Cave
Sibiu, Romania
Live recording concert for Radio and national T.V.
Oud Bass Piano Trio
IBA, Israel
Live recording concert
Since my Soul Loved
IBA, Israel
Live recording concert
Oud, Bass Piano Trio
Baltimore University, U.S.A
Live recording concert
Oud, Bass Piano Trio
IBA, Israel
Live recording concert
Reflections Upon Six Images
IBA, Israel
Live recording concert
Myth of the Cave
Tel Aviv Jazz Festival
Recording to national T.V.
Ras Deshen
Chamber Music Festival, Galile
Recording to national Television
Jordan Hall, Boston, USA
live recording
More numerous reviews in the international Music media.
Reviews available upon request.
List of Music Magazines, Newspapers and Booklets that published reviews:
Schott musik Journal: Neue Zeitschrift für Musik - Germany
Coda Magazine- Canada
Seattle News- U.S
Sydney Morning Herald - Australia
Cadence- U.S
Piano News - Germany
Toronto Magazine- Canada
Jerusalem Post- Israel
Haaretz- Israel
Ethiopian News Papers
Jazzpodium –Germany
Judische Allgemeine- Germany
Norra Skåne- Sweden
Frankfurter- Germany
All music Guide- International
Jewish Illustranerk- Germany
Magazine for Klavier- Germany
Downbeat Magazine- International
All about Jazz- International
Jazz Think - Germany
Vancouver News paper- Canada
Winnipeg News Paper- Canada
New England Conservatory Magazine
Jewish Times Asia
Kol A’ir- Israel
Jazzlines- Germany
Sponsors and Commissioners
Deutsche Structured Finance, Frankfurt, Germany.
-Between the Lines- Munich, Germany.
The Australian Council for the Arts.
The West Australian Department of Culture and the Arts.
Arts Queensland, Australia.
The Judith Wright Centre, QLD Australia..
The 17th International Harp Contest, Tel Aviv Israel.
The Israel Minister of Science and Culture, Jerusalem Israel.
Israel Broadcast Authority.
Shoham Foundation.
Israel Festival
The Confederation House in Jerusalem
Am Kolel foundation.
Atar Trio
Visiting Artist
Composer in Residence: Western Academy of Performing Arts, Perth Australia
Composer in Residence: Judith Wright Centre, Brisbane Australia
Australian National University, Canberra Australia
Visiting workshop: Haifa University, Israel
Master classes: The Vancouver Academy of Music. Vancouver, BC Canada
Master classes: The University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, MB Canada.
Master classes: Washington Music School. Washington DC, USA
Master classes: Addis Ababa Music Academy. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Sessional lecturer: Griffith University, Conservatorium
Master classes: Jaffa Conservatory, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Master classes: Australian National University, Canberra Australia
Master classes: Western Academy of Performing Arts, Perth Australia
Major Festivals and concert halls
MIcebreaker Festival 2012, Seattle (U.S)
Munich Festival (Germany)
Tel Aviv Festival 2006, 2005
Sibu jazz festival (Romania) 2006
Adis Ababa Arts Festival (Ethiopia) 2006
Tura New Music Festival (Australia) 2007
Guelph Festival (Canada) 2005
Vancouver Jazz Festival (Canada) 2004
The Oud International Festival (Israel) 2004, 2006
Jewish music Festival (Israel) 2006
Porgy & Bess Festival (Austria) 2004
Wiener Musik Galerie (Austria) 2004, 2005
Israel Festival 2006
Frankfurt Arts (Germany) 2005
Jerusalem Arts Festival (Israel) 2004, 2005
Copenhagen Jazz Festival (Denmark) 2004
The Voice of Music Festival 2004
Selection of Critical Reviews
(Copies of originals provided upon request)
Selected Extracts
“Yedid integrated specific stylistic influences into a personal created unity. The manner in which he describes folkloristic influences and melancholic specific themes can remind of Bela Bartok; improvisatory float of hovering à la Keith Jarrett”.
Åke Holmquist, Norra Skåne (Sweden)
“Every sound in this performance flew straight into the soul, including the sound of the drops of sweat that fell from Yedid's hair and landed on the piano keys.”
Ben Shalev, Haaretz
“A highly poetic, personal and inspiring composition. Beautifully executed”
Eyal Hareuveni, All About Jazz.
“…Pianist/composer Yitzhak Yedid’s Oud Bass Piano Trio conveys terrific tension, aggravation and release. It’s a stunner. Minimizing the distinction between composition and improvisation, the music is entrusted to supple hands.”
Randal McIlroy, Coda Magazine
“The music is very powerful, almost relentless in its expressiveness. Moving through many sonorities, densities and dynamics, the three players can be heard, individually and as a group, changing roles from improvisers to interpreters and back again”
Budd Kopman, All music.
“To hear such a young man as you feeling the music so deeply is a very pleasant experience.”
Lee Konitz.
“Yedid's musicality resides on a higher plane while offering bountiful panoramas for the mind's eye” Glenn Astarita, All About Jazz
“Yedid’s trio explores a wide range of emotions and tones, even if a dark and mournful mood prevails. The musicians’ vivid interpretations produce a positive flow of energy that keeps the music alert and compelling, and Yedid is capable of striking lyricism. Jazz musicians often describe their art as storytelling. Yedid embodies this.
Alain Drouot, Downbeat Magazine.
“The Ras Deshen duo is one of the best things that has happened to Israeli jazz, and maybe to Israeli music in general, in recent years.”
Ben Shalev, Haaretz.
“Yedid's masterful musical storytelling is directly engaging, with forms that continually shifts and mutate, but which also move inexorably forward. Complex, seemingly chaotic sections are juxtaposed against beautiful hymn-like melodies. The music might descend to the depths sounding like a boiling compressed cauldron, only to open up the next moment, expanding into the clouds”
Budd Kopman, All About Jazz
“Yitzhak Yedid is the quintessential cross-genre artist. He is a wonderful storyteller, his compositions can be challenging and require the listener to sit up and take stock of what is evolving.”
Barry Davis, Downbeat Magazine
“Composer and pianist Yitzhak Yedid's new composition is an impressive attempt to weave current and traditional styles and influences into a cohesive contemporary work. In this five part suite, premiered at the Oud Festival in Jerusalem in November 2005 and recorded nine months later, there are references and retentions from a wide spectrum of sources, including Jewish and Christian prayers and benedictions, Arabic folk music, modern Western music and avant-garde jazz—all fused through Yedid's optimistic belief that these varied cultures can co-exist peacefully.”
Eyal Hareuveni, All About Jazz.
“Yedid created a work with a heady high concept that's still eminently musical. His composed suite with improvised passages avoids falling into the usual jazz trappings. It suggests classicism without wading into pretension”
Kurt Gottschalk, All about Jazz- New York
“Since My Soul Loved is one of the most moving compositions of Yedid so far, performed majestically by excellent musicians who truly identify and believe in Yedid's artistic vision”.
Eyal Hareuveni
“Thoughtfulness and a healthy sense of adventure are both major assets on this excellent disc”
Alex Henderson, All Music Guide
“Yedid’s trio consists of several elements drain from Judaic and Christian tradition and meditations on multiple modes of silence, including the ‘non-believer’s silence’, and the prayers of priests and kabbalists as well as a Palestinian Bride and repeats of a motif entitled ‘Imaginary ritual belly dance’”.
Stuart Broomer
“As in the music he composed for the trio, this piece has beautiful sections, demonstrating his inventiveness and originality, his courage to think differently. There are piano parts that sound like an Arab instrument, virtuoso playing by violinist Sami Kheshaiboun, and three instruments playing the same tempestuous part together, “unisono” in musical terms. These are special moments, unique to Yedid.”
Noam Ben-Zeev, Haaretz Newspaper
“This stands out as a rich album, full of powerful emotive force and passion for storytelling”.
Tom Sekowski, gaz-eta.
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